by judy | Aug 28, 2016 | Blog, Premarital Counseling
Some of you know that my husband underwent serious eye surgery a couple of weeks ago. During this time, we were amazingly blessed by family and friends who brought him lunch, made a meal, prayed for his healing, or simply “came to entertain him.” Ed and I both...
by judy | Feb 14, 2016 | Blog
Of course, they can spell. But my caregiver friends realize their presence with their loved one is far more important than cards, flowers and the types of gifts we normally associate with Valentine’s Day. My goal today is to give you a taste of their experience and...
by judy | Jul 11, 2015 | Blog |
Usually, the wife makes the first call for marriage counseling, but sometimes, it’s the guy. When I ask the caller to tell me why they’re seeking counseling, part of the conversation is almost always, “We’re just not communicating.” Most relationships get off the...
by judy | Apr 7, 2012 | Blog |
The following was originally posted on a listserve by Dr. Giles Yeates, a neuropsychologist and colleague in the U.K. It is now working its way around the U.S. and sure to make you smile. I added the photo. Slow down for three minutes to read this. It is so worth it....