Sometimes Marriage Can Be So Inconvenient

Sometimes Marriage Can Be So Inconvenient

Some of you know that my husband underwent serious eye surgery a couple of weeks ago. During this time, we were amazingly blessed by family and friends who brought him lunch, made a meal, prayed for his healing, or simply “came to entertain him.” Ed and I both...

How To Disrespect Your Spouse

If you’re like the rest of us, no one has to tell you how to disrespect your partner. Even when it is not intentional, it happens. Right? Take comfort in the fact that we all have done it. Try as I may, I’ve said some pretty rotten things to my husband, too, so I join...

Love Sense

  A new year increases my desire to pass along the latest research in relationship counseling. How convenient is it that Dr. Susan Johnson came out with her most recent book, Love Sense, available on January 1, 2014?   I first heard Sue mention her new book...