Sometimes Marriage Can Be So Inconvenient

Sometimes Marriage Can Be So Inconvenient

Some of you know that my husband underwent serious eye surgery a couple of weeks ago. During this time, we were amazingly blessed by family and friends who brought him lunch, made a meal, prayed for his healing, or simply “came to entertain him.” Ed and I both...
They Spell Love “W-I-T-H”

They Spell Love “W-I-T-H”

Of course, they can spell. But my caregiver friends realize their presence with their loved one is far more important than cards, flowers and the types of gifts we normally associate with Valentine’s Day. My goal today is to give you a taste of their experience and...

How To Care For People With Dementia

On May 17, 1012 I had another engagement from the Speaker’s Bureau of the Alzheimer’s Association. I did the annual training for the home health professionals and nurses at St. Anthony’s Hospice. This was a group of 65 professionals who needed to complete their...